Paper 2009/046

Traceability Codes

Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, and Siaw-Lynn Ng


Traceability codes are combinatorial objects introduced by Chor, Fiat and Naor in 1994 to be used in traitor tracing schemes to protect digital content. A k-traceability code is used in a scheme to trace the origin of digital content under the assumption that no more than k users collude. It is well known that an error correcting code of high minimum distance is a traceability code. When does this `error correcting construction' produce good traceability codes? The paper explores this question. The paper shows (using probabilistic techniques) that whenever and are fixed integers such that and , or such that and , there exist infinite families of -ary -traceability codes of constant rate. These parameters are of interest since the error correcting construction cannot be used to construct -traceability codes of constant rate for these parameters: suitable error correcting codes do not exist because of the Plotkin bound. This answers a question of Barg and Kabatiansky from 2004. Let be a fixed positive integer. The paper shows that there exists a constant , depending only on , such that a -ary -traceability code of length contains at most codewords. When is a sufficiently large prime power, a suitable Reed--Solomon code may be used to construct a -traceability code containing codewords. So this result may be interpreted as implying that the error correcting construction produces good -ary -traceability codes of length when is large when compared with .

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
traitor tracingcombinatorial cryptography
Contact author(s)
s blackburn @ rhul ac uk
2009-01-29: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Simon R.  Blackburn and Tuvi Etzion and Siaw-Lynn Ng},
      title = {Traceability Codes},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2009/046},
      year = {2009},
      url = {}
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