Paper 2022/152

K-XMSS and K-SPHINCS+:Hash based Signatures with\Korean Cryptography Algorithms

Minjoo Sim, Siwoo Eum, Gyeongju Song, HyeokDong Kwon, Kyungbae Jang, HyunJun Kim, HyunJi Kim, Yujin Yang, Wonwoong Kim, Wai-Kong Lee, and Hwajeong Seo


Hash-Based Signature (HBS) uses a hash function to construct a digital signature scheme, where its security is guaranteed by the collision resistance of the hash function used. To provide sufficient security in the post-quantum environment, the length of hash should be satisfied. Modern HBS can be classified into stateful and stateless schemes. Two representative stateful and stateless HBS are XMSS and SPHINCS+, respectively. In this paper, we propose two HBS schemes: K-XMSS and K-SPHINCS, which replace internal hash functions of XMSS and SPHINCS with Korean cryptography algorithms. K-XMSS is a stateful signature, while K-SPHINCS is its stateless counterpart. We also showcase the reference implementation of K-XMSS and K-SPHINCS employing LSH and two hash functions based on block ciphers (i.e. CHAM and LEA) as the internal hash function. The reference code is developed as a proof-of-concept, which can be optimized for better performance using advanced implementation techniques (e.g. AVX2 and NEON).

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
XMSSSPHINCSKorean Cryptography AlgorithmsHash based SignaturesSoftware Implementations
Contact author(s)
minjoos9797 @ gmail com
shuraatum @ gmail com
thdrudwn98 @ gmail com
korlethean @ gmail com
starj1023 @ gmail com
khj930704 @ gmail com
khj1594012 @ gmail com
yujin yang34 @ gmail com
dnjsdndeee @ gmail com
waikong lee @ gmail com
2022-02-12: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Minjoo Sim and Siwoo Eum and Gyeongju Song and HyeokDong Kwon and Kyungbae Jang and HyunJun Kim and HyunJi Kim and Yujin Yang and Wonwoong Kim and Wai-Kong Lee and Hwajeong Seo},
      title = {K-{XMSS} and K-{SPHINCS}$^+$:Hash based Signatures with\\Korean Cryptography Algorithms},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/152},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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