Paper 2024/018

Smaller Sphincs+

Scott Fluhrer, Cisco Systems
Quynh Dang, National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST published FIPS 205 based on the specification of Sphincs+. A formula to determine the security strength of a given parameter set is listed in SPHINCSsubmission31. It is quite complex to use that formula to get the security degradation behavior based on different increases in the number of signatures (called 2m in this paper) per signing key. The task would become even more complex when we need to compare the security degradation characteristics of many parameter sets. In this paper, we provide a simpler formula to determine the security strengths of a given parameter set at various numbers of signatures produced by one signing key. With this new formula, the task of comparing parameter sets, especially, their security degradation characteristics become easy and that allowed us to search for best parameter sets for users to consider to use and for standard bodies to consider for standardization.

Note: We had a miscalculation of the cost of the FORS trees in the searches of the parameter sets discussed in the previous versions.  Therefore, we updated our search program and ran new searches.  This new version provides those new search results. We also took the opportunity to improve and expand various discussions about Smaller Sphincs.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Postquantum SignaturesSphincs+SLH-DSAFIPS 205Stateless Hash-based Signatures
Contact author(s)
sfluhrer @ cisco com
quynh dang @ nist gov
2025-01-16: last of 2 revisions
2024-01-05: received
See all versions
Short URL
No rights reserved


      author = {Scott Fluhrer and Quynh Dang},
      title = {Smaller Sphincs$^{+}$},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/018},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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