Paper 2024/376

Perfect (Parallel) Broadcast in Constant Expected Rounds via Statistical VSS

Gilad Asharov, Bar-Ilan University
Anirudh Chandramouli, Bar-Ilan University

We study broadcast protocols in the information-theoretic model under optimal conditions, where the number of corruptions t is at most one-third of the parties, n. While worst-case Ω(n) round broadcast protocols are known to be impossible to achieve, protocols with an expected constant number of rounds have been demonstrated since the seminal work of Feldman and Micali [STOC'88]. Communication complexity for such protocols has gradually improved over the years, reaching plus expected for broadcasting a message of size bits. This paper presents a perfectly secure broadcast protocol with expected constant rounds and communication complexity of plus expected bits. In addition, we consider the problem of parallel broadcast, where senders, each wish to broadcast a message of size . We show a parallel broadcast protocol with expected constant rounds and communication complexity of plus expected bits. Our protocol is optimal (up to expectation) for messages of length . Our main contribution is a framework for obtaining perfectly secure broadcast with an expected constant number of rounds from a statistically secure verifiable secret sharing. Moreover, we provide a new statistically secure verifiable secret sharing where the broadcast cost per participant is reduced from bits to only bits. All our protocols are adaptively secure.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in EUROCRYPT 2024
BroadcastByzantine AgreementVerifiable Secret SharingOblvious Leader ElectionPerfect Security
Contact author(s)
Gilad Asharov @ biu ac il
Anirudh Chandramouli @ biu ac il
2024-03-13: revised
2024-02-29: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Gilad Asharov and Anirudh Chandramouli},
      title = {Perfect (Parallel) Broadcast in Constant Expected Rounds via Statistical {VSS}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/376},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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