Paper 2024/827

Multivariate Multi-Polynomial Commitment and its Applications

Xiao Yang, University of Birmingham
Chengru Zhang, University of Hong Kong
Mark Ryan, University of Birmingham
Gao Meng, University of Birmingham

We introduce and formally define Multivariate Multi-Polynomial (MMP) commitment, a commitment scheme on multiple multivariate polynomials, and illustrate the concept with an efficient construction, which enjoys constant commitment size and logarithmic proof size. We further enhance our MMP scheme to achieve the zero-knowledge property. Additionally, combined with a novel zero-knowledge range proof for Pedersen subvector commitment, we present a Zero-Knowledge Range Proof (ZKRP) for MMP commitment. We present two sample applications. Firstly, our MMP commitment can be used for efficient aggregation of SNARK based on multivariate polynomial commitments. As a showcase, we apply MMP commitment to HyperPlonk and refer to this variant of HyperPlonk as aHyperPlonk. For instances, each with circuit size , the communication and verification complexity is reduced from to , while the prover complexity remains the same. Secondly, we propose a novel zero-knowledge proof for vehicle GPS traces based on ZKRP for MMP, which allows vehicle owners to prove if a vehicle has/hasn't passed through some location during a specific time interval.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Polynomial CommitmentZero-Knowledge Range ProofSNARK
Contact author(s)
yangxiao97531 @ gmail com
u3008875 @ connect hku hk
m d ryan @ bham ac uk
gxm311 @ student bham ac uk
2024-05-31: approved
2024-05-27: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


      author = {Xiao Yang and Chengru Zhang and Mark Ryan and Gao Meng},
      title = {Multivariate Multi-Polynomial Commitment and its Applications},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/827},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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